Nº 159 (May, 2014). Leopoldo Tornarolli, Diego Battistón, Leonardo Gasparini & Pablo Gluzmann.
“Exploring trends in labor informality in Latin America, 1990-2010”.
“Exploring trends in labor informality in Latin America, 1990-2010”.
“Employment and labor regulation: evidence from manufacturing firms in Bolivia, 1988-2007”.
“Escaneo de políticas y meta-análisis: juventud y políticas de empleo en América Latina”.
“Youth turnover in Brazil: job and worker flows and an evaluation of a youth-targeted training program”.
“The effects of regulations and business cycles on temporary contracts, the organization of firms and productivity”.
“Union negotiation and wage inequality in Argentina: an empirical analysis of recent trends”.
“Conditional cash transfers, payment dates and labor supply: evidence from Peru”.