This section presents labor statistics for 13 Latin American countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay.
Information downloaded from this database should be cited as “Source: LABLAC (CEDLAS and The World Bank)” or “Source: Labor Database for Latin America and The Caribbean – LABLAC (CEDLAS and The World Bank)”. We advise making reference to the date of consultation since statistics are prone to change.
We would appreciate if a copy of publications or reports that use the information contained on this site is sent to us for our records to
This file includes statistics on:
- Labor force participation.
- Employment, unemployment and underemployment rates.
- Unemployment duration.
- Structure of employment by gender, age, education, area, region.
- Structure of employment by labor relationship, type of firm and sector.
- Informality by age, gender, education and area.
- Child labor.
- Share of women in non-agricultural employment.
This file presents information on wages, incomes and hours of work:
- Hourly wages, hours of work and labor income by age, gender, education, area, sector and type of work.
- Earnings inequality and wage gaps.
- Coefficients from Mincer equations.
- Conditional gender wage gaps.
This file includes información on labor benefits stats:
- Contracts, pensions, health insurance by age, gender, education and area.
- 13th month bonus, vacation rights, union membership
This file presents information on the labor surveys used for the estimation of the LABLAC statistics.