Pablo Gluzmann


Pablo Gluzman is a senior researcher at the Center for Distributive, Labor and Social Studies (CEDLAS) of Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP). He received her B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. in Economics from UNLP, researcher at the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET) and associate professor at the UNLP. His research is focused on Inequality, Poverty, Labor markets and Macroeconomics and has been published on journals such as Centro Journal, Economic Letters, Económica, El Trimestre Económico, Ensayos Económicos, Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Income Distribution, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions y Money, Journal for Labour Market Research, Latin American Economic Review, Review of Development Economics, The Stata Jounal  y World Development. He has also published several chapters of books and working papers at CAF, CEDLAS, IZA, UNDP, etc.

  • Poverty
  • Inequality
  • Labor economics
  • Development
  • Macroeconomics
2012 Ph.D. in Economics, Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP), Argentina.
2010 M.A. in Economics, Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP), Argentina.
2005 B.A. in Economics, Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP), Argentina.
2018-present Associate Researcher, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET).
2016-present Associate Professor, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la UNLP (FCE-UNLP).
2012-present Senior Researcher, Centro de Estudios Distributivos, Laborales y Sociales (CEDLAS).
2015-2018 Assistant Researcher, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET).
2013-2015 Post-doctoral Fellow, CONICET.
2007-2013 Doctoral Fellow (I & II), CONICET.
2007-2012 Junior Researcher, CEDLAS.
2007-2016 Assistant Professor, FCE-UNLP.
2005-2007 Research Assistant, CEDLAS.


“Economic cycle y deceleration of female labor force participation in Latin America” joint with Leonardo Gasparini, Mariana Marchionni and Joaquín Serrano. Journal for Labour Market Research, Vol 53 (13), pp. 1–21, 2019.

“An analysis of Puerto Rico’s debt relief needs to restore debt sustainability” joint with Martin Guzman y Joseph E. Stiglitz, CENTRO: Journal of the Center for Puerto Rican Studies, San Juan de Puerto Rico, Vol 30 (3), pp. 104–146, 2019.

La participación laboral femenina ¿Qué explica las brechas entre países? joint with Mariana Marchionni, Joaquín Serrano and Monserrat Bustelo. BID y CEDLAS-UNLP, Washington DC. eISBN 978-1-59782-340-, 2019.

“International inequality in subjective well-being: An exploration with the Gallup World Poll”, joint with Leonardo Gasparini, Review of Development Economics, Vol 21(2), pp. 610–631, 2017.

“An estimation of CPI biases in Argentina 1985-2005, y its implications on real income growth y income distribution”, joint with Federico Sturzenegger, Latin American Economic Review, Vol 27(8) pp. 1–50, 2017.

“Assessing the Robustness of the Relationship between Financial Reforms and Banking Crises”, joint with Martin Guzman, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, Vol. 39, pp. 32–48, 2017.

“Global Search Regression (gsreg): A new automatic model selection technique for cross-section, time series and panel data regressions” joint with Demian Panigo. The Stata Journal, Vol. 15(2), pp. 325–349, 2015.

“Female participation and the economic cycle” joint with Leonardo Gasparini. Chapter 5 of the book: Bridging gender gaps? The rise and deceleration of female labor force participation in Latin America, Gasparini, L. and Marchionni, M. (Eds.). La Plata, FCE. 2015. pp. 179–198.

“El empleo público en América Latina. Evidencia de las encuestas de hogares” joint with Malena Arcidiácono, Pablo Brassiolo, Laura Carella, Leonardo Gasparini, and Jorge Puig. El Trimestre Económico, Vol. 82(4), pp. 749–784, 2015.

“Fear of Appreciation” joint with Eduardo Levy-Yeyati and Federico Sturzenegger. Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 101(1), pp. 233–247, 2013.

“Estimating Income Poverty and Inequality from the Gallup World Poll: The Case of Latin America and the Caribbean”, joint with Leonardo Gasparini, Journal of Income Distribution, Vol 21(1), pp. 3–27, 2013.

“Bienestar subjetivo y crecimiento económico: analizando la paradoja del crecimiento infeliz en la Encuesta Mundial Gallup”, Económica, Vol. 59, pp. 231–258, 2013.

“Los Emprendedores en América Latina: Evidencia y lecciones a partir de las encuestas de hogares”, joint with Leonardo Gasparini and David Jaume, Perspectivas sobre el desarrollo, Vol 11, pp. 12–42, 2013.

“Exchange Rate Undervaluation and Economic Growth: Díaz Alejandro (1965) Revisited,” joint with Eduardo Levy-Yeyati and Federico Sturzenegger. Economic Letters, Vol. 117 (3), pp. 666–672, 2012.

“Tensiones en la ejecución de políticas de los bancos centrales en la búsqueda del desarrollo económico”, joint with Martín Guzmán. Ensayos Económicos, Vol. 65, pp. 173–205, 2012.

“Economic Crises, Maternal and Infant Mortality, Low Birth Weight and Enrollment Rates: Evidence from Argentina’s Downturns”, joint with Guillermo Cruces and Luis Felipe López Calva. World Development, Vol. 40 (2), pp. 303–314, 2012.

“Reformas financieras e inestabilidad financiera”, joint with Martín Guzmán. Ensayos Económicos, Vol. 61/62, pp. 35–73, 2011.

“A topology of services expenditure by poor and rich households in developing countries”, joint with Mariana Marchionni, Marcelo Olarreaga, Mario Piacentini and Guido Porto. Chapter of book: Services, Trade and Development, Mashayekhi, M., Olarreaga, M. and Porto, G. (Eds.). Ginebra: Naciones Unidas. pp. 93–156, 2011.

“Distributional incidence of access to services in Latin America” joint with Mariana Marchionni, Marcelo Olarreaga and Guido Porto. Chapter of book: Services, Trade and Development, Mashayekhi, M., Olarreaga, M. and Porto, G. (Eds.). Ginebra: Naciones Unidas. 2011. pp. 163–188.

Working Papers

“Pobreza Crónica en Datos de Corte Transversal: Estimaciones para Argentina” junto con Leonardo Gasparini y Leopoldo Tornarolli, Documento de Trabajo Nº 252, pp. 1–38, CEDLAS.

“An analysis of Puerto Rico’s debt relief needs to restore debt sustainability” joint with Martin Guzman and Joseph E. Stiglitz, EA Working Paper 2018-01, San Juan de Puerto Rico.

“Economic Cycle and Deceleration of Female Labor Force Participation in Latin America” joint with Joaquín Serrano, Leonardo Gasparini and Mariana Marchionni, 22nd Annual LACEA Meeting 2017.

“Stability of Expectations and Severity of Crises” joint with Martin Guzman and Peter Howitt, Arnoldshain Seminar XIV -Institutions, Trade, and Economic Policy 10-2016.

“Los jóvenes y los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio en América Latina y el Caribe”, joint with Javier Alejo, Adriana Conconi, Leopoldo Tornarolli and Mariana Marchionni. Documento de Trabajo Nº 99, CEDLAS. Published  at Investigación para la Política Pública, ODMs y Pobreza, MDG-08-2010, RBLAC-UNDP, New York.

“Exploring Trends in Labor Informality in Latin America, 1990-2010” joint with Leopoldo Tornarolli, Diego Battistón, and Leonardo Gasparini, WP 159, pp. 1–55, CEDLAS.

“Medición de los Ingresos y la Pobreza Oficial en América Latina y el Caribe”, joint with Luis Beccaria, WP Nº 137, pp. 1–142, CEDLAS.

“Decisiones Laborales en América Latina: El Caso de los Emprendedores. Un Estudio sobre la Base de Encuestas de Hogares”, joint with David Jaume and Leonardo Gasparini WP Nº 137, pp. 1–94, CEDLAS.

“Distributional incidence of social, infrastructure, and telecommunication services in Latin America”, joint with Mariana Marchionni. WP Nº 97, CEDLAS.

Cursos de postgrado

2015-present Income Distribution and Poverty (Leonardo Gasparini),
Master’s Degree in Provincial and Municipal Public Finance, FCE-UNLP.
2015-present Planning and Management of Development Policies (Demian Panigo), PhD in Economic Development, National University of Quilmes (UNQ)

Cursos de grado

2020-present Associate Professor at Argentine Social Structure (Leonardo Gasparini), FCE-UNLP.
2016-2019 Associate Professor at Introduction to Economics and Economic Structure of Argentina (Mariano Rabassa), FCE-UNLP.
2007-2016 Assistant Professor at Macroeconomics II (Titular: Pedro Dudiuk), FCE-UNLP.
 2006-2007 Assistant Professor en Economic Policy in Open Economies, UNQ.
2014 Scientific Technological and Artistic Award 2014, UNLP (Young Researchers).
2014 ANCE Award 2014 “Premio Centenario de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias Económicas” (Shared -Fear of appreciation-).
2012 Distinguished Post-graduated Award, Ph.D. in Economics. Granted by Universidad Nacional de La Plata.
2011 5th Economic Research Annual Award “Dr. Raúl Prebisch” –  Annual Award Young Professionals, Granted by Banco Central de la República Argentina. (BCRA). Shared, -Tensiones en la ejecución de políticas de los bancos centrales en la búsqueda del desarrollo económico-.
2013 Posdoctoral fellowship, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Argentina.
2011 Doctoral fellowship – Type II, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Argentina.
2007 Doctoral fellowship – Type I, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Argentina.

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