Poverty and inequality are central social problems in Latin America. This book develops the main conceptual discussions on these issues, provides a comprehensive set of analytical tools, applies them to specific household survey data, and provides evidence for all Latin American countries.

The volume, written by three well-known researchers on distributive issues, provides the reader with a set of analytical instruments necessary to be seriously involved in empirical research on poverty and inequality, in order to contribute to the ultimate objectives of explaining and improving the social reality of the region.

The book is only available in Spanish


Founder and director of the Center for Distributive, Labor and Social Studies (CEDLAS) of the Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP). Gasparini, who earned his BA in Economics from UNLP and his Ph.D. from Princeton University, is a graduate and post-graduate professor in the Department of Economics at the Faculty of Economics at UNLP. His research on distributive, social, and labor issues has been published in books and in numerous well-known international academic journals. He has taught courses and lectures on poverty, inequality and other distributive issues in almost all Latin American countries. Gasparini has won several awards and distinctions, among them the Guggenheim scholarship for the realization of this book.


Professor at the Universidad Nacional de La Plata, where he is a researcher at CEDLAS. He holds a bachelor’s degree and a doctorate in economics from UNLP. He specializes in computational economics with applications to issues of income distribution and international trade. His research has been published in books and academic journals. He has taught courses on the implementation of computer models in several countries.


Professor and director of the career of Economy of the University of San Andrés, researcher at CEDLAS, and an independent researcher of CONICET. He obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Economics from the University of Buenos Aires and his Ph.D. at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He specializes in theoretical and applied econometrics for questions of measuring poverty and inequality. He has taught courses at numerous international institutions, and his research on econometrics and income distribution has been published in well-known international academic journals. He has recently been elected president of the Argentine Association of Political Economy.

 International Poverty Lines in Latin America and the Caribbean pdf-vector-otro

Household Surveys:

The databases listed below have been processed, and include the variables needed to follow the examples proposed in the appendices and to replicate some of the results of the book. It is important to point out that processing the bases implies following a protocol which is not necessarily shared in its totality by the statistical institutes of the countries, nor by other researchers. As discussed extensively throughout the book, working with data requires taking a myriad of methodological decisions for which there are no universal objective criteria.

Moreover, raw household surveys can be obtained in the websites in national statistical institutes listed in the next section.


  • EPH 1998 (Oct. 1998) Encuesta Permanente de Hogares zip
  • EPH-C 2006 (II semestre 2006) Encuesta Permanente de Hogares-Continua zip


  • ENE 1997 (Nov. 1997) Encuesta Nacional de Empleo zip
  • ECH 2005 (Oct. 2005) Encuesta Continua de Hogares-MECOVI zip


  • PNAD 1993 (Sep. 1993) Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicilios zip
  • PNAD 2007 (Sep. 2007) Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicilios zip


  • CASEN 1900 (Nov. 1990) Encuesta de Caracterización Socioeconómica Nacional zip
  • CASEN 2006 (Nov. 2006) Encuesta de Caracterización Socioeconómica Nacional zip


  • ENH-FT 1996 (Sep. 1996) (no disponible) Encuesta Nacional de Hogares – Fuerza de Trabajo
  • GEIH 2006 (Ago./Sep. 2006) (no disponible) Gran Encuesta Integrada de Hogares


  • EHPM 1992 (Jul. 1992) Encuesta de Hogares de Propósitos Múltiples zip
  • EHPM 2006 (Jul. 2006) Encuesta de Hogares de Propósitos Múltiples zip


  • ENFT 2000 (Oct. 2000) Encuesta Nacional de Fuerza de Trabajo zip
  • ENFT 2006 (Oct. 2006) Encuesta Nacional de Fuerza de Trabajo zip


  • ECV 1995 (Ago./Nov. 1995) Encuesta de Condiciones de Vida zip
  • ENEMDU 2006 (Dic. 2006) Encuesta de Empleo, Desempleo y Subempleo zip


  • EHPM 1991 (Oct. 1991/Abr. 1992) Encuesta de Hogares de Propósitos Múltiples zip
  • EHPM 2005 (Ene./Dic. 2005) Encuesta de Hogares de Propósitos Múltiples zip


  • ENCOVI 2000 (Jun./Dic. 2000) Encuesta Nacional sobre Condiciones de Vida zip
  • ENCOVI 2006 (Mar./Sep. 2006) Encuesta Nacional sobre Condiciones de Vida zip


  • EPHPM 1997 (Sep. 1997) Encuesta Permanente de Hogares de Propósitos Múltiples zip
  • EPHPM 2006 (May. 2006) Encuesta Permanente de Hogares de Propósitos Múltiples zip


  • ENIGH 1992 (Ago./Nov. 1992) Encuesta Nacional de Ingresos y Gastos de los Hogares zip
  • ENIGH 2006 (Ago./Nov. 2006) Encuesta Nacional de Ingresos y Gastos de los Hogares zip


  • EMNV 1993 (Feb./Jun. 1993) Encuesta Nacional de Hogares sobre Medición de Nivel de Vida zip
  • EMNV 2005 (Jul./Oct. 2005) Encuesta Nacional de Hogares sobre Medición de Nivel de Vida zip


  • EH 1995 (Ago. 1995) Encuesta de Hogares zip
  • EH 2006 (Ago. 2006) Encuesta de Hogares zip


  • EIH 1997 (Ago. 1997/Jul. 1998) Encuesta Integrada de Hogares zip
  • EPH 2007 (Oct./Dic. 2007)  Encuesta Permanente de Hogares  zip


  • ENAHO 1997 (IV trimestre 1997) Encuesta Nacional de Hogares zip
  • ENAHO 2006 (Ene./Dic. 2006) Encuesta Nacional de Hogares zip


  • ECH 1992 (II semestre 1992) Encuesta Continua de Hogares zip
  • ECH 2006 (año 2006) Encuesta Continua de Hogares zip


  • EHM 1992 (II semestre) Encuesta de Hogares Por Muestreo zip
  • EHM 2006 (II semestre) Encuesta de Hogares Por Muestreo zip

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