Nº 274 (January, 2021). Julian Pedrazzi & Leonardo Peñaloza-Pacheco
“Heterogeneous Effects of Forced Migration on Female Labor Supply”.
“Heterogeneous Effects of Forced Migration on Female Labor Supply”.
“Demand-Driven Youth Training Programs: Experimental Evidence from Mongolia”.
“The Labor Market Effects of an Educational Expansion. A Theoretical Model with Applications to Brazil”.
“Does the Adoption of Complex Software Impact Employment Composition and the Skill Content of Occupations? Evidence from Chilean Firms”.
“Trade reforms and industry wage premium: evidence from Argentina”.
“How Is the Internet Changing Labor Market Arrangements? Evidence from Telecommunications Reforms in Europe”.
“Are labor inspections protecting workers’ rights? Adding the evidence from size-based labor regulations and fines in Peru”.
“The anatomy of behavioral responses to social assistance when informal employment is high”.
“The growth-employment-poverty nexus in Latin America in the 2000s: cross-country analysis”.