Nº 283 (July, 2021). Carlo Lombardo & Leonardo Peñaloza-Pacheco
“Exports “brother-boost”: the trade-creation and skill-upgrading effect of Venezuelan forced migration on Colombian manufacturing firms”.
“Exports “brother-boost”: the trade-creation and skill-upgrading effect of Venezuelan forced migration on Colombian manufacturing firms”.
“Trade reforms and industry wage premium: evidence from Argentina”.
“Trends in tariff reforms and trends in the structure of wages”.
“Effects of the global financial and economic crisis on the Bolivian economy: a CGE epproach”.
“Empleo informal y apertura comercial: evidencia de 20 años de reformas en Argentina”.
“Impact of technical barriers to trade on Argentine exports and labor markets”.
“Trade and labor outcomes in Latin America’s rural areas: a cross-household surveys approach”.
“Capital accumulation, trade liberalization and rising wage inequality”.