Nº 57 (August, 2007). Adriana Conconi y Andrés Ham. 

“Pobreza multidimensional relativa: una aplicación a la Argentina”.

Multidimensional poverty is a term commonly heard in distributive research. However, the methodology is yet novel in Latin America. In this paper, we seek to define the concept, scrutinize its relationship with traditional poverty analysis, and propose a framework for its measurement from a Latin American perspective. Based on Sen’s capability deprivation approach and Poggi’s prior work, a relative measure arises that takes the form of the multidimensional FGT. We apply the measure to Argentina on cross-section surveys for 1998-2002. The data allows feasible estimation in four dimensions: labor, housing, educational and income.

Código JEL: D30, I30

Published as Conconi, Adriana y Andres Ham (2010). “The many faces of poverty: Quantifying the deprivation costs of the 2001-2002 crisis in Argentina”. Económica, Vol. LVI: 39-77.